domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

Endangered Species


    Seahorses are mainly found in shallow tropical temperate waters around the wordand prefer to live in shelteres areas such as seagrass beds, estuaries, coral reefs, or mangroves. In pacific waters from North America to South America there are approximately four species. In the Atlantic, the H. Erectus ranges from Nova Scotia to Uruguay. H. Zosterae, known as the Dwarf seahorse, is found in the Bahamas. 
Colonies have been found in European waters such as the Thames Estuary.
In the Mediterranean Sea lives three species: The long -snouted, The short-snouted and The sea pony.
    Seahorses feed on small crustaceans floating in the water or crawling on the bottom. With excellent camouflage and a lot of patience, they ambush prey that float within striking range. Mysid shrimp and other small crustaceans are favorites, but some seahorses have been observed eating others kinds of invertebrates and even larval fishes.
    Many of this beautiful animals are data deficientand and there is insifficient information to make an assessment about their risk of extintion. Seahorses population is unknown, there is a risk of losing more of them because many are being born, a lot of them used for souveniers and Coral reefs and seagrass beds are deteriorating, reducing viable habitats.
Another reason is that many aquarium hobbyists keep themas pets, they are collected from the wild tend to fare poorly in home aquaria which damages their immune systems and makes them susceptible to disease. Furthermorethey are used in traditional Chines herbology and many as 20 million may be caugth each year and sold for this purpose.
    The inicial stage of an average consist of a detailed study of the problem of a fishery. Project leaders discussed thoroughly CeDePesca fishery system and study in depth assessmented of fish stocks and Articles scientists dealing with the state of their associated ecosystems to form a clear picture of their situation.
CeDePesca have been working in thirteen Latin America countries protecting seahorses. 

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