martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

The best experience of my life

 I will never forget that day as one of the happiest days of all my life. I had been deciding to enter in a short story competition in an English-language magazine in England and I was travelling from my country to participate in it. Travelling there was the most incredible experience, it was the spring holidays and I met some friends.
I had been staying at the comfortable hotel in the city centre of London. I enjoyed it due to the fact that I meet lots of new friends who know important people like singers, actor, TV presenter, and question me if I want to meet some of them, and of course, I accepted doing it.

We went to the best restaurant of the city where we had fun. At first, everything looked really boring, but then appeared the most amazing woman that I always wanted to meet, yes, she was Beyonce and I couldn’t believe that! One of my friends introduced me and we had the most marvelous experience. That meeting made it a day I will never forget.


miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Young people lifestyles

   There is plenty of information on-line about health problems that some young people have as result of eating fast food and do not practise any exercise.
   For instance, there are many reasons why teenagers are not so careful about their health. First of all TV and internet make our life easy so consequently have a sedentary life style. Also their spend lot of time in front of computers, TV, and tablets playing, listening music, so that mean doesn’t do any exercise.
   However, some young people have plenty of time to do sports, don’t smoke and not drink any else. I n addition some teenagers are very careful whith health diet
   So, I strongly believe that young people have lot of information to have a better healthy lifestyle, and fitness could be the best if more teenagers go to gym or practise a sport.          

 Improvements to Roses` Park
         The purpose of this report is to suggest how the town council can spend the money that it has available for improving this neighborhood.
         This one is one of the older in the city with narrow streets which are not pavement yet. For those reasons is really difficult walk also driving a car and it could be dangerous. What is more, is the fact that there are some places in which are large amount of tall grass.
         In this town there are a lot of neighborhoods that have their Quarters, but Roses’ Park doesn’t have one, and it is really necessary for the children have a green space, where they can play.
         It would be great if streets can be surface. I recommend that the council should provide places to make beautiful Quarters in which children have fun. Finally, I recommend that the council should help us to improve this neighborhood.